Starting 2023 as a Developer
Hurray, you made it to the year 2023. Now is the ultimate time of taking your programming journey by storm. The big money question is where do you start this important journey from?
I have heard people make resolutions and realize later that such resolutions were never met. 2023 is still very early and it should not be a license to be lazy. Start immediately with your resolution. On this note, my focus is to get you started with simple developer tools that can give you that edge such that by year-end, you can have a fulfilled resolution. Some of the tools we would discuss are laptops, internet access, a workspace, and courses. Let us explore now.
A functional Laptop
Your journey is tied to having a very reliable laptop. Here I am in my corner typing with a laptop because it is the most convenient way to get my thought out to you. Laptops are like what stethoscopes are to medical doctors (not an expert opinion). You need a laptop with a very good configuration and reliable battery power. To get an expert-reviewed laptop detail, check out PC mag.
Internet Access
Who does not have it? Well not everyone has access to the internet but if you are reading this article, then you already have access. It is one of the most important tools to have as a developer. From searching results on Stack Overflow to using Google as your search engine, the internet provides knowledge-based results that can improve your developer journey in 2023.
A workspace
Years ago, the ergonomic environment was not very popular but then Covid-19 came and there was the need to work from home. A workspace in my own view is simply an environment that is ergonomically set up to provide a stress-free experience to work. It comprises a table, study lamp, your computer which could be a desktop or laptop, speakers, and any other electronic device.
Access to Courses
One cannot be exceptionally good unless there is a conscious desire to always add value and knowledge to what one knows already. Today, we have several online learning platforms that have top-class contents that can equip a beginner and an expert developer. Search the internet and take up a very nice course to improve your developer journey. Youtube is one of the very free platforms with more than enough learning resources. Explore content today and give yourself the very best experience.